Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy blog award!

So one of our friends at the blog It's a dog lick baby world gave me a blogger award. It seems less like an award and more like one of those silly Facebook things, but I'll do it anyway because I'm bored.
So here's 7 random facts about me.

  1. I'm a twin, but opposite from my brother in almost every personality trait.
  2. I have two wedding rings, one for the winter and one for the summer.
  3. I used to be able to win the expert level of Minesweeper in under 70 seconds.
  4. I have an Optimus Prime lunchbox that I take to work almost every day, and it's awesome.
  5. My license plate says "SU5HI" and has the "Wildlife conservationist" fish logo on it.
  6. I didn't drink alcohol until I was 24.
  7. I like to kick people in the head during practice sparring. 
Thanks for the blog award, Kara!